Reading: "The Tibetan book of deads". It's a gift from my sister Cristina.
Listening: Nightwish
Watching: "Apocalypto" a film about the ancient people of South America.
Buying: other Christmas presents, included mine.
Loving: hot teas and infuses drunk playing with friends and boyfriends.
Wanting: more chocolate!
Feeling: a bit tired but happy!
Thursday, December 31, 2015
Wednesday, December 16, 2015
A horror tail
Hi everyone!
I'm here with a new tail and I won't say you anything else. Have a nice reading!
I'm here with a new tail and I won't say you anything else. Have a nice reading!
The nightfall before I participated to a Halloween party. The theme was "Corpse Brides" and it was organized by a friend of mine. We have been offered ti rest there for the night for the ones who lived far away. My best friend and I decided to accept the offering and we rested in the theatre where the party took place.
When I woke up in the moarning, I went down in the basement for use the toilette. I was still wearing my corpse bride wedding dress and while I was coming out of the bathroom, passing in front of the mirror at the bottom of the toilette room, I saw something strange: in the mirror, my snow white wedding dress was completly bloodstained and the place all around the image was rotten.
I approached the mirror and instinctivley touched it. In the same moment I watched myself in the eyes and I winded up inside the mirror. My mirrored image watched me, sniggering, and then she went away with my snow white dress, leaving me inside that fetid dimension with her grimy dress.
I sterted roam through thet dimension, searching a way to escape. The structure was the same of the theatre, with the only difference that all seemed to be abandoned for ages. All was filthy and seemed that could fall to pieces at any moment.
I reached those that in reality was the stage, where my friend and I rested the night before. She there wasn't in that dimension. The seats were imbued with damp and the floor was covered by a slimy dark red coloured material. The palnks of the stage were spoiled. i took the small stairs on the right of the stage and I climbed them. on the stage, the red curtains were soacked by the same slimy material of the floor. I passed through them and I was hit by a nauseating smell. All the tools were rotten or broken. I put a hand on the nose and I turned to the left seeing something turned dawn itself, feasting with the tools of the theatre. Stepping back I made a little noise and that strage thing turned to me. It was like a bear without fur, with lacerated muscles under the decaied skin. the drool was red had no eyes on its face.
After a few second of fear I started to run out of the theatre and the monster slashed the curtains. I reached the hall, jumping down of the stage, and tried to escape but the doors were loked. So I took the way for the dressing rooms, searching something that I could use as a weapon. The beast run faster then me but it was too massive and the corridors were too thight, letting me taking land. Without I noticed it, I reached the door on the back. It was sealed with an iron cane. i kept the cane, even if with repulsion because of the strange material wich covered it, and I turned against the beast. While I was yet turning, the beast pierced itself with the cane. The big iron cane opened a hole on the chest of the beast. It fell down on the floor and I have been merciless towards it.
While I was hitting it I noticed something sparkling into the chest of the creature. I stopped and started to search into that rotten meet finding a small object. It was a pendant, similar to the one that wore my friend. It had an opening on one side and I opened it. Inside there was a mirror. I watched through the reflection of my eyes and suddenly the stink and the filth disappeared. Only two things were still there: the pendant and the blood on my hands. i watched in front of me, where I left the dead beast and instead of it I saw my friend. She was spreaded out on the floor, with a hole in her chest. All around her blood...blood everywhere. Cought by a strong agony I threw away the pendant and standed up quickly. My dress was bloodstained and also my hands and I could not had gone out of the theatre in that way. My best friend was dead, i killed her. Scared and confused I decided to call the police and give myself up. I could not have done anything else.
The police arrived and I was still there, asking myself if I should have told the truth or if I should have lied. No one could believe to me if I would have told the truth. I have been arrested and brought to the police station. Into the interview room I have been interrogated but I didn't sayed anything. I did not know what I should say. I watched down. The table was made of iron. I saw myself again, reflected on the iron surface, and I understood what I had to do. I watched my reflection in the eyes and I came back in that dimesion. I did not killed my friend, the fault was of the other girl who wanted take my place in the real world. So, she hed to be judges for wat she had done.
In the other dimension I was sitting on a dirty and cold wooden chair. In fron of me, to the other side of the table, there was two puppets. They were there, motionless. On the rotten wooden table there was a mirror. I broke it with a punch and I wet out of that room, surrounded by the laments of all creatures inside that dimension.
Hope you enjoyed the reading.
Have a nice week.
Monday, November 30, 2015
Just a minute in November
Reading: finally I'm reading the last chapter of the trillogy of the Area X: "Acceptance" <3
Listening: a bit of relaxing japanese music.
Watching: "Psyco-Pass", a new anime, and "Pirates of the Caribbeans"
Buying: some Xmas presents :3
Loving: I'm loving spend time watching and petting my cat sleeping on the bed or on the carpet.
Wanting: I need a lot of energy for complete a special project...
Feeling: excited.
Monday, November 23, 2015
Winter is coming
I adore the colours of Autumn: red, yellow, brown and that particular pale green. They make me feel extremly relaxed. In Winter I like when, after a snowfall, arrives the Sun and create a sort of rainbow on the white fields.
My favourite activities in these periods are:
- watch films curled-up in a warm woolly blanket.
- drink hot green tea, red tea, citrus and vanilla based infuses combined with special bisquit with cereal and raisin.
- drink hot chocolate with my father late in the evening.
- read books and posts and play with computer listening my favourite music.
- meet with friend and play boardgames and RPGs in front of a hot cup of tea.
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Green tea and special bisqits |
What do you usually like to do in these cold monthes?
Have a nice week!
Wednesday, November 18, 2015
Welcome Nicol!
Hello darlings! How are you?
I'm very happy because in the moarning of the 10th of November was born my third little niece. Her name is Nicol, she was born 4490gr and 55cm! I sow her for the first time on wednesday evening and she was so lovely!
I'm very happy because in the moarning of the 10th of November was born my third little niece. Her name is Nicol, she was born 4490gr and 55cm! I sow her for the first time on wednesday evening and she was so lovely!
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Grandparents with her grandoughter |
See you soon!
Friday, October 23, 2015
Just a minute in October
READING: posts on bloglovin. I absolutly have to improve my english!
LISTENING: anime's main themes.
WATCHING: a new anime called "God eater".
BUYING: I'm still not buying, but I'm looking for a new portable pc.
LOVING: I'm adoring my new job!
WANTING: I want a new pc, smaller than this one I have XD
FEELING: now that I have a job, a good job, I feel in peace with myself, more tranquil and with a better self-confidence.
LISTENING: anime's main themes.
WATCHING: a new anime called "God eater".
BUYING: I'm still not buying, but I'm looking for a new portable pc.
LOVING: I'm adoring my new job!
WANTING: I want a new pc, smaller than this one I have XD
FEELING: now that I have a job, a good job, I feel in peace with myself, more tranquil and with a better self-confidence.
Wednesday, October 14, 2015
Little story
(inspired by the song "Seven widows weep" performed by the group Sirenia)
In the northern lands, seven sailors were leaving their home searching adventure and conquest. Their wives promised to wait for their return every day. The mans started their journey with the best weather the could have hoped. Glass-like sea and tailwind went with the sailors for all the time as long as...
One day, passing through a little group of cliffs the wind and the sea abandoned the ship and its seven men. They decided to come back home, but, while they were inverting the course, something surfaced the sea, softly. The sailors inspected the waves who were becoming higher and higher, and discovered that the things were surfacing the water were sirens; beautiful women with an enchanting voice. Scared, the men wanted to escape from that terrible trap but the ship was slammed against the rocks.
Meanwhile. in the little village of the sailors, six of the wives woke up all together in the deep cold night of the North beckoned by a strange force to the promontory. The seventh one, the older, was already there, black dressed, with a long dark veil hiding her face, the arms abandoned long the hips. In front of her the sea was furious and the wind seemed desperate. Behind her the six wives were running to the poromontory.
The seven sailors slowly woke up into a sea cave during the ebb tide. Out of the cave the sea was still rough. At the side of each sailor there was a young women. Dazed the mans thought to be back home in the arms of their wives, so they let down their guard, certain of the cures of their wives. But the women weren't their wives and when the sailors abandoned themselves to Father Sleep, the sirens stole the seven souls.
From the summit of the promontory, a heartrending cry rised, half-covered by the strong sound of the sea. The young widows were despairingly grappled to the older one, crying and screaming. The old widow was motionless and calm. She was staring at the dark eyes of those monsters who were stealing the hearts and the souls of their sweethearts.
Tuesday, October 6, 2015
Good news!
Hi darlings!
I have a good news to share with you! Finally I have found a job! Three weeks ago I was phoned by a manager of the Mc Donald's restaurant in Schio, a town near my village, asking me for a job interview and two weeks ago I started working with a fixed-term contract of two monthes. After these two monthes the contract could be transformed in an open-ended contract.
I'm happy working there, first of all because I have been looking for a serious job since four years, then because I love cooking and finally because I've ever been curious about an employment into a fast food.
I like my new job. This thrusday I will start my third week. It's a hard job, but in spite of the fatigue I'm readi, every day, for all new challanges thatt it give to me.
I have a good news to share with you! Finally I have found a job! Three weeks ago I was phoned by a manager of the Mc Donald's restaurant in Schio, a town near my village, asking me for a job interview and two weeks ago I started working with a fixed-term contract of two monthes. After these two monthes the contract could be transformed in an open-ended contract.
I'm happy working there, first of all because I have been looking for a serious job since four years, then because I love cooking and finally because I've ever been curious about an employment into a fast food.
I like my new job. This thrusday I will start my third week. It's a hard job, but in spite of the fatigue I'm readi, every day, for all new challanges thatt it give to me.
Have a nice week!
Tuesday, September 22, 2015
Just a minute in September
Reading: "Abraham Lincoln: vampire hunter" by Seth grahame-Smith.
Listening: the OST of "Elizabeth: the golden age".
Watching: the animes "Hagame no renkinjutsushi", "Cowboy Bebop" and "Kyoo kara ore wa".
Buying: a new "british" wallet.
Loving: playing tetris and minecraft on my computer.
Wanting: I want let my light shine in my new job!
Feeling: excited for my new job. I will start it this thrusday. I can't wait for it!
Listening: the OST of "Elizabeth: the golden age".
Watching: the animes "Hagame no renkinjutsushi", "Cowboy Bebop" and "Kyoo kara ore wa".
Buying: a new "british" wallet.
Loving: playing tetris and minecraft on my computer.
Wanting: I want let my light shine in my new job!
Feeling: excited for my new job. I will start it this thrusday. I can't wait for it!
Wednesday, September 16, 2015
Baking cheesecakes
Hi lovelies!
During my last weeks I have been buisy baking two different kind of cheesecakes.
For the first one I "stole" the receipe from the blog of my friend Martina. I love her cheesecakes, but she in actually in Ireland so I decided to bake one of them using her receips. I modify a bit the original because Martina used blueberry jam, but I don't like it, so I use da special lemon cream. Wanderful! My father really loved it and also my oldest sister, his houseband and my nieces. But my mother could not eat it because she has a lots of intollerances. So I tried to bake it again without dairy products and without whites, the two worst products for me mom. I replaced ricotta cheese with goat ricotta cheese and mascarpone with rice cream cheese. Finally, I replaced the whites with rice milk and corn flour. My mother loved it and now she would eat it everyday! I ate a slice of it and it was really good. Next time I will try to bake it also for my friend Martina who is allergic to dairy products, included goat milk. I have already found a possible solution and my mother has already offered herself to act for me as a guinea-pig.
I don't have a picture of my mother's cheesecake, because it was ate before I could take a picture of it, but I have a picture of a slice of classical cheesecake.
Chop up the bicuits and mix them with the molten margarine. Spread the base in a cake pan and put it in the fridge.
Mix the yolks with the sugar, add the goat ricotta cheese, the rice cheese and the flour.
Mix up the corn flour with the milk and add to the cream.
Spread the cream on the base and bake it at 180/200° for 30 minutes.
Serve cold.
P.S. I have covered this cheesecake with chocolate cream, but you can put also fruit jams or other creams. My favourite has fresh strowberries, strowberry syrup and a bit of confectioners' sugar...yummie!
During my last weeks I have been buisy baking two different kind of cheesecakes.
For the first one I "stole" the receipe from the blog of my friend Martina. I love her cheesecakes, but she in actually in Ireland so I decided to bake one of them using her receips. I modify a bit the original because Martina used blueberry jam, but I don't like it, so I use da special lemon cream. Wanderful! My father really loved it and also my oldest sister, his houseband and my nieces. But my mother could not eat it because she has a lots of intollerances. So I tried to bake it again without dairy products and without whites, the two worst products for me mom. I replaced ricotta cheese with goat ricotta cheese and mascarpone with rice cream cheese. Finally, I replaced the whites with rice milk and corn flour. My mother loved it and now she would eat it everyday! I ate a slice of it and it was really good. Next time I will try to bake it also for my friend Martina who is allergic to dairy products, included goat milk. I have already found a possible solution and my mother has already offered herself to act for me as a guinea-pig.
I don't have a picture of my mother's cheesecake, because it was ate before I could take a picture of it, but I have a picture of a slice of classical cheesecake.
Here the ingredients of my mother's cheesecake:
For the base:
270gr of dry biscuit
130gr margarine
For the cream:
250gr rice cream cheese
250gr goat ricotta cheese
120gr sugar
3 egg yolks
3 table spoons of flour
1 cup of rice milk
2 teaspoons of corn flour
Chop up the bicuits and mix them with the molten margarine. Spread the base in a cake pan and put it in the fridge.
Mix the yolks with the sugar, add the goat ricotta cheese, the rice cheese and the flour.
Mix up the corn flour with the milk and add to the cream.
Spread the cream on the base and bake it at 180/200° for 30 minutes.
Serve cold.
P.S. I have covered this cheesecake with chocolate cream, but you can put also fruit jams or other creams. My favourite has fresh strowberries, strowberry syrup and a bit of confectioners' sugar...yummie!
Wednesday, September 9, 2015
Review - Lucy
Hi dears!
Some weeks ago I watched a fantastic new film I have never seen: "Lucy" by Luc Besson (2014).
The film talk about what could happen if humans could be able to use their brain at 100%. The main character, Lucy (Scarlett Johannson) accidentally became a smuggler. The drug has to reaches the Europe and she and other 3 mans have been chosen for this job, but the sack into her intestin has been broken and she suddenly acquires some incredible knowleadges. After a quick operation, she leaves Taiwan and reaches Paris for talk with one of the best researcher and share her knowleadges and for help the franch drug squad finding the other 3 smuggler.
I won't tell you the end of the film :P it's too important. I found it really interesting and magnetic. My boyfriends was also satisfaied and happy to have seen it with me. I think the actress that interprets Lucy (my favourite) has been able to instill the insensibility of who know too much things for waste time feeling any kind of moods. I loved it.
I won't tell you the end of the film :P it's too important. I found it really interesting and magnetic. My boyfriends was also satisfaied and happy to have seen it with me. I think the actress that interprets Lucy (my favourite) has been able to instill the insensibility of who know too much things for waste time feeling any kind of moods. I loved it.
Kisses, Emily.
Tuesday, August 25, 2015
Just a minute in August...
Reading: "Authority" by Jeff VanderMeer and "La dame aux camelià s" by Alexandre Dumas.
Listening: opening and ending anime's themes.
Watching: "Soul Eater" and "Full Metal Alchemist"
Buying: a new smartphone for my mother.
Loving: playing RPGs and board games with friends.
Wanting: I would like a tattoo.
Feeling: inspired for the new story I'm writing.
Listening: opening and ending anime's themes.
Watching: "Soul Eater" and "Full Metal Alchemist"
Buying: a new smartphone for my mother.
Loving: playing RPGs and board games with friends.
Wanting: I would like a tattoo.
Feeling: inspired for the new story I'm writing.
Thursday, August 20, 2015
Review - Authority
Finally I have reached to ley my hands on the second book of the Area X's trilogy and read it! It is "Authority" by Jeff VanderMeer. It is a thriller/fantasy trilogy, but in this book there is less fantasy than the first one.
In te second chapter of the Area X we are into the Southern Reach, a structure who organises the expeditions and the science researches. This structure is leded by a new director who is substituting the old one identified as the psycologist of the previeus book. The new director has the task of interrogate the survivors of the 12th expedition (the anthropologist, the topogrpher and the biologist), to organize the structure as much informations as possible. He carries out all the works, but when he reachesto find interesting informations, the Southern Reach "desappears".
The rythm of the book is slow, but not so much, at the beguinning and fast at the ending. It is charming with a breathless ending. Now I'm waiting the third one who will arrive in Italy at the end of this year.
See you!
Thursday, August 13, 2015
A walk into the wilderness
Some weeks ago, when the weather was cooler, I went walk one moarning...
Near my house there are big fields and a nice wood. I like both, but I prefear the wood, with its lovely smell of moss and wet bark. I like also the sunshine that pass through the branches, creating a wanderful puzzle on the ground.
Near my house there are big fields and a nice wood. I like both, but I prefear the wood, with its lovely smell of moss and wet bark. I like also the sunshine that pass through the branches, creating a wanderful puzzle on the ground.
I have been surprised seeing a half-burnt stump with some white mushrooms that seemed made of light.
Coming oout of the wood I saw also a beautiful star-like bush, made by a plant similar to the ivy.
Coming back home, I toke some pictures of flowers and fields and of our small mountains, hidden behind the trees.
Long the way I saw an old house, where I went with my grandmother to see a big fountain with big gold fishes. Now the fountain is empty, but the house still has its long path with its trees and bushes full of flowers. I liked a lot the start of the path, with two small stoned columns, one covered with a strong ivy.
Once at home I started to clean up my bedroom and so on with my homeworks. It has been a very nice and relaxing walk. Next time I will have a nice trip by bike, long one of my favourites cycling tracks near a small hill where, a lot of years ago, lived a noble man who built a park all around his villa.
Lots of hugs and kisses.
Tuesday, August 11, 2015
Weekend with boyfriend
Hi lovelies! How are you?
Last weekend we started "Soul Eater". I really love it, especially the first opening music. The story could generally seem a bit taken for granted, but as a whole is very nice. It alternates moments of extreme seriousness and moments of funny scenes.
Here it is very hot! I love it, but there is too much humidity that makes us feel very bad.
During the weekend my boyfriend and I usually stay together from friday night to sunday night, and we spend all the time playing RPG, computer games and watching anime or tv series.
Two weeks ago we watched "Berserk" an anime that take place in an imaginary medieval world, with heroes, knights and warriors.
Two weeks ago we watched "Berserk" an anime that take place in an imaginary medieval world, with heroes, knights and warriors.
On saturday afternoon and sunday night we usually meet with 2 groups of friends playing RPGs. On saturday afternoon we play at Pathfinder, a sort of Dungeons&Dragons, and on sunday night we play at Gothika. My favourite is Gothika, because we have to be more interpretatives and there are less dice to throw. The setting is a post-nuclear-war New York, called Night City, that is always under a dense blanket of dark clouds. All around the city, coverd by a barrier, there is a radioactive desert. We are all humans, each one with a characteristic. For my character, I thought to an haker who suffered of short-term memory, so she decided to correct this lack with the strong tecnology, adding in her head a chip that carry out all her mental capacity. Now she can connect with all kind of computer. My boyfriend decided to interpretate a mutant, a human genetically modified for become a weapon. It's a very nice RPG, we really enjoy playing it and our Master, the narrartor, is great!
Hope I didn't bored you!
Emmy Iyuko
Wednesday, August 5, 2015
The books for my summer
The library of my village will close from 10th to 22nd of August, so I thought to get some books on loan before the closing.
The first I decided to get was "Authority" by Jeff Vander Meer who was setted aside by my friend Silvana, the librarian. It is the second book of a trilogy talking about a special vegetable area called "Area X". It is a mix between fantasy and sci-fi, really interesting!
The second one was "Abraham Lincoln, vampire hunter", by Seth Grahame-Smith. It's a biografic, historic and horror romance who talk about the president Abraham Lincoln like a vampire hunter.
The others came from classical litterature: "Therese Raquin" written by Emile Zola, "La Dame aux cà melias" by Alexandre Dumas and a collection of shot stories by Philip K. Dick (the same who wrote "Dr. Futurity")
I'm a lover of reading and you?
Will you read something during the remaining summer? What will you read? I am always hunting new titles to read. Give me yours, I will be happy to know new books ^_^
The first I decided to get was "Authority" by Jeff Vander Meer who was setted aside by my friend Silvana, the librarian. It is the second book of a trilogy talking about a special vegetable area called "Area X". It is a mix between fantasy and sci-fi, really interesting!
The others came from classical litterature: "Therese Raquin" written by Emile Zola, "La Dame aux cà melias" by Alexandre Dumas and a collection of shot stories by Philip K. Dick (the same who wrote "Dr. Futurity")
I'm a lover of reading and you?
Will you read something during the remaining summer? What will you read? I am always hunting new titles to read. Give me yours, I will be happy to know new books ^_^
Have a nice week!
Emmy Iyuko
Friday, July 17, 2015
Just a minute in July
Reading: "Dr. Futurity" by Philip K. Dick.
Listening: Apocalyptica.
Watching: "Game of Thrones".
Buyng: a new modem WI.FI.
Loving: hot and sunny days.
Wanting: I want to read the second book of the trilogy "Area X".
Feeling: a bit warried about my future.
Listening: Apocalyptica.
Watching: "Game of Thrones".
Buyng: a new modem WI.FI.
Loving: hot and sunny days.
Wanting: I want to read the second book of the trilogy "Area X".
Feeling: a bit warried about my future.
Friday, July 10, 2015
2015 Reading Challange
I have read this challange on a blog I'm following and I found it very interesting because I love reading and because I'm always looking for something new to read.
A book with more than 500 pages Eclipse by
Stephenie Meyer
A classic romance Frankenstein by Mary Shelley
book that became a movie New Moon by Stephenie Meyer
A book published this year Annihilation by Jeff VanderMeer
A book with a
number in the title
A book written by someone
under 30
A book with nonhuman characters Dark Love by Kresley Cole
A funny book
A book by a female author The vampire Diary by Lisa Jane Smith
A mystery or thriller Marina
by Carlos Ruiz Zafon
A book with a one-word title Dracula by
Bram Stoker
A book of short stories La sete edited by Alberto Corradi and
Massimo Perissinotto
A book set in a different country Sly by Banana Yoshimoto
A nonfiction book
A popular author’s first book Harry
Potter and The Philosophers Stone by JK Rowling
A book from an author you love that you haven’t read yet The Hobbit by J. R. R. Tolkien
A book a friend recommended La petite marchande de
reves by Fermine Maxence
A Puliter-Prize
winning book
A book based on a true story Georgiana by Amanda Foreman
A book at the bottom of your to-read list Authority by Jeff VanderMeer
A book your mom
A book that scares
A book more than 100 years old The picture of Dorian Gray by Oscar Wild
A book based entirely on its cover
A book you were
supposed to read in school but didn’t
A memoir La lunga vita di
Marianna Ucrìa by Dacia Maraini
A book you can finish in a day Il sentiero dei nidi di ragno by Italo Calvino
A book with
antonyms in the title
A book set somewhere you’ve always wanted to visit Memories of a Geisha by Arthur Golden
A book that came
out the year you were born
A book with bad
A trilogy The
lord of the rings by J. R. R. Tolkien
A book from your childhood
A book with a love triangle
A book set in the future Doctor Future by Philip K. Dick
A book set in high school
Twilight by Stephenie Meyer
A book with a
color in the title
A book that made
you cry
book with magic La
dos vidas de Floria by Laura Martinez Belli
A graphic novel World of Warcraft
A book by an author you’ve never read before
A book you own but
have never read
A book that takes
place in your hometown
A book that was
originally written in a different language
A book set during
A book written by
an author with your same initials
A play
A banned book
A book based on or
turned into a TV show
A book you started but never finished
Breaking Down by Stephenie Meyer
Thursday, July 2, 2015
Weekend, Friends and Nature
Hello darlings! How are you?
Last Saturday morning I met a friend of mine who was leaving Italy for Dublin. She will stay there for three months so, befor she left, we decided to meet us for say "bye, bye".
We had a look to the market and then we took a tea in a wanderful comix shop. For my friend Martina I prepared a small vase with flowers made with small pearls, handmade by me. She loved it.
After our meeting I came back to my boufriend's house. We had lounch together and then we spent the afternoon watching "Game of Thrones" in streaming. In the evening we went to a fair dedicated to the environment. My boyfriend, Diego, had to stay at the stand of the office where he's actually working. They project houses' systems with solar panels. While he stayed at the stand I had a look to the fair and then I went walking long the way of the park. It was wanderful. The sunset was red and its coloures were reflected on the river that crosses the big park. I stayed alone 'till 22.00 and then I came back to the stand because it was too much dark for stay alone there. Diego and I had an organic ice-cream and then we left back home at 23.00.
On Sunday morning Diego and I baked a cake together, for our friend and in the afternoon we met with them and we played D&D untill midnight. Finally, my boyfriend brought me back to my home.
Last Saturday morning I met a friend of mine who was leaving Italy for Dublin. She will stay there for three months so, befor she left, we decided to meet us for say "bye, bye".
We had a look to the market and then we took a tea in a wanderful comix shop. For my friend Martina I prepared a small vase with flowers made with small pearls, handmade by me. She loved it.
After our meeting I came back to my boufriend's house. We had lounch together and then we spent the afternoon watching "Game of Thrones" in streaming. In the evening we went to a fair dedicated to the environment. My boyfriend, Diego, had to stay at the stand of the office where he's actually working. They project houses' systems with solar panels. While he stayed at the stand I had a look to the fair and then I went walking long the way of the park. It was wanderful. The sunset was red and its coloures were reflected on the river that crosses the big park. I stayed alone 'till 22.00 and then I came back to the stand because it was too much dark for stay alone there. Diego and I had an organic ice-cream and then we left back home at 23.00.
On Sunday morning Diego and I baked a cake together, for our friend and in the afternoon we met with them and we played D&D untill midnight. Finally, my boyfriend brought me back to my home.
Hope you had a nice weekend and a nice week!
Emmy Iyuko
Saturday, June 20, 2015
A Special Week
Hello darlings! How are you? How is the the weather like there? Here sould be summer, but it seems to be autumn.
Fortunately, last week was hot and sunny, and it was also a special week for me ^_^
First of all, the 10th of June was the day of my birthday. Accordint to my parents and boyfriend, we dwcided to not have any special party, only a quiet dinner with my sister, boyfrind and parents. We ate pizza and a chocholate cheesecake, I made the day before, all together.
Some friends of mine, greedy friends and lover of my cakes, suggested to meet all together and have a little party playing our RPG. I accepted so, de day after my birthday, I prepared another cake, a wonderful chocholate cake (yes, I'm a lover of chocholate) and...I can't show you it because I didn't have the time to take a picture of friends devoured it befor I could take the picture.
But the weekend was the best part of the week. On Saturday and Sunday there was a feir of comix and cosplay and games in Villafranca Veronese. My borfriend and some other guys are part of the organization of an event in Schio and they had to go to the fair sponsorizing their event. I went with them and I staied to the stand with them all the day of Saturday.
On Saturday there was a lot of other people who could stay at the stand, so my boyfriend and I decided to have a look to the other stands. It wasn't a big fair, but there were a lot of stands, more than last year: some of theme were dedicated to board games and videogames, some to model collecting, other to comix and so on. I was attracted by two particular stands: the first one was dedicated to the fiction "Doctor Who" and it has a big Dalek in fron of the stand; while the second one was dedicated to the films of Hunger Games, Shaowhunter and Harry Potter. There was a lot of gadgets inspired by those fims and as a good fan of Harry Potter (I'm still waiting the letter from Hogwarts), I could not ignore two necklace that was calling me with strong voice: the symbol of deadly hollows and the time turner of Hermione. In the same stand I have found also a necklace with a celtic symbol that I was searching since last year.
Fortunately, last week was hot and sunny, and it was also a special week for me ^_^
First of all, the 10th of June was the day of my birthday. Accordint to my parents and boyfriend, we dwcided to not have any special party, only a quiet dinner with my sister, boyfrind and parents. We ate pizza and a chocholate cheesecake, I made the day before, all together.
Some friends of mine, greedy friends and lover of my cakes, suggested to meet all together and have a little party playing our RPG. I accepted so, de day after my birthday, I prepared another cake, a wonderful chocholate cake (yes, I'm a lover of chocholate) and...I can't show you it because I didn't have the time to take a picture of friends devoured it befor I could take the picture.
But the weekend was the best part of the week. On Saturday and Sunday there was a feir of comix and cosplay and games in Villafranca Veronese. My borfriend and some other guys are part of the organization of an event in Schio and they had to go to the fair sponsorizing their event. I went with them and I staied to the stand with them all the day of Saturday.
On Saturday there was a lot of other people who could stay at the stand, so my boyfriend and I decided to have a look to the other stands. It wasn't a big fair, but there were a lot of stands, more than last year: some of theme were dedicated to board games and videogames, some to model collecting, other to comix and so on. I was attracted by two particular stands: the first one was dedicated to the fiction "Doctor Who" and it has a big Dalek in fron of the stand; while the second one was dedicated to the films of Hunger Games, Shaowhunter and Harry Potter. There was a lot of gadgets inspired by those fims and as a good fan of Harry Potter (I'm still waiting the letter from Hogwarts), I could not ignore two necklace that was calling me with strong voice: the symbol of deadly hollows and the time turner of Hermione. In the same stand I have found also a necklace with a celtic symbol that I was searching since last year.
Have a nice weekend!
Emmy Iyuko
Friday, June 5, 2015
Friday backing cake
Last Wednesday I finished my course about Human Resources. It has been useful and I
really loved it.
On Friday,
I decided to celebrate the end of the course backing one of my favourite cakes:
Madeira cake. It is a simple cake that need only of flour, butter, sugar, eggs, baking powder for desserts and
lemon peel. It is fantastic for breakfast, especially with milk, and it has two
peculiarity: it is better the day after, and it lasts a lot of day. Usually I
bake it in the afternoon, and then I eat it for breakfast, the following
mornings and afternoons.
I baked it
also for my last day to the library, and I added chocolate drops. Martina and
Silvana loved it, and they asked me if they could pick up some slices for the
next day and their family.
discovered this recipe inside a collection of cake decoration. The first time I
bake it making some little cubes covered with dark chocolate and decorated with
whipped cream. It was nice, wonderful and delicious.
200gr butter
200gr sugar
4 eggs
300gr flour
2 teaspoon of baking
powder for desserts
Shaved lemon
I love
bake, and one day I would like open a bakery for “normal” and allergic people
integral to a library.
Hope you enjoy.
Have a nice weekend.
Emmy Iyuko.
Thursday, June 4, 2015
Just a minute in...June
June is my favorite month. It is the month of my birthday and it is also the first month of summer! I love hot days and I love keep my windows open all the day and the night.
Reading: articles about games, animes, video gams and northern legends.
Listening: opening and ending themes of my favorite animes.
Watching: "Apocalypto" a film about natives of south America.
Buying: a new pair of flats.
Loving: the hot days arriving.
Wanting: I don't want...I need a new pair of thight hights for my new cosplay! >.<
Feeling: I'm relaxed and full of energy, ready for new challanges!
Reading: articles about games, animes, video gams and northern legends.
Listening: opening and ending themes of my favorite animes.
Watching: "Apocalypto" a film about natives of south America.
Buying: a new pair of flats.
Loving: the hot days arriving.
Wanting: I don't want...I need a new pair of thight hights for my new cosplay! >.<
Feeling: I'm relaxed and full of energy, ready for new challanges!
Have a nice weekend!
Emmy Iyuko
Friday, May 29, 2015
Runes, Tarots and divination
Since when I was a child I always loved magic, like the most of children, but this passion grew up with me and at 19 years old I started to study something more about occultism.
I started with Runes. I remember that my sister had a teared page of a journal where there was a nice description of Runes. I was really attracted from those small rocks where were engraved old northern symbols that could give us useful suggestion on how we
could conduct our life.
Runes don't forecast our future. They can only describe how could be our future life basing on our present actions. When I read this on a forum I decided to create my personal Runes. I found all I needed to learn and I created my Runes with small stones and I felt a nice connection with them.
Two years later, when I started to learn more about occultism I understood that I have more connection with wood Runes than the stone ones. So, I created a new set of Runes made by wood and now they are perfect for me.
Recently I started to study also tarots. I have a box full of different tarots. Tarots from India, Italy, China, Nature, Animals...a lot of types. My favourite was I-Ching, a chinese type of tarots. Some monthes ago I was searching for some colors for body painting and I entered in a jagglering shop and I saw a nice set of Sprites's tarots. I was affected from their illustrations that reminded me an old book of fairy tails that my mother used to read when I was child. I bought them and I started to study hard for use them correctly.
Untill now I used my tarots only once, for get acquainted with them and I felt very well using them. Tarots, differently from Runes, forecast our future, basing from our present. If we or something/someone else change our present, tarots change their forecast.
Divination is something that give peace to me. When I practice divination I feel relaxed, like when I read a good book or when I wach a nice movie. When I divine I usually light a shented candle, with a soft fragrance, and I light also an incense. My favourite incense fragrances are "Lotus" and "Opium" (which were given to me from my sweet boyfriend).
I started with Runes. I remember that my sister had a teared page of a journal where there was a nice description of Runes. I was really attracted from those small rocks where were engraved old northern symbols that could give us useful suggestion on how we
could conduct our life.
Runes don't forecast our future. They can only describe how could be our future life basing on our present actions. When I read this on a forum I decided to create my personal Runes. I found all I needed to learn and I created my Runes with small stones and I felt a nice connection with them.
Two years later, when I started to learn more about occultism I understood that I have more connection with wood Runes than the stone ones. So, I created a new set of Runes made by wood and now they are perfect for me.
Recently I started to study also tarots. I have a box full of different tarots. Tarots from India, Italy, China, Nature, Animals...a lot of types. My favourite was I-Ching, a chinese type of tarots. Some monthes ago I was searching for some colors for body painting and I entered in a jagglering shop and I saw a nice set of Sprites's tarots. I was affected from their illustrations that reminded me an old book of fairy tails that my mother used to read when I was child. I bought them and I started to study hard for use them correctly.
Untill now I used my tarots only once, for get acquainted with them and I felt very well using them. Tarots, differently from Runes, forecast our future, basing from our present. If we or something/someone else change our present, tarots change their forecast.
Divination is something that give peace to me. When I practice divination I feel relaxed, like when I read a good book or when I wach a nice movie. When I divine I usually light a shented candle, with a soft fragrance, and I light also an incense. My favourite incense fragrances are "Lotus" and "Opium" (which were given to me from my sweet boyfriend).
Monday, May 18, 2015
5 things I've loved this month
1. The first thing I've loved this month was the course about Human Resources.These weeks are very buisy and hard, because teachers are teaching us a lot of things about job's law, contracts, how prepare pay slips and how become coaches like them. My favourite topic is how to become a good coach.
2. The second thing that have made me happy this month was the starting of my Pathfinder's campaign, a fantasy Role Playing Game. It's title is "Witches' Hunter" and it talks about the witches' hunt that happened between years 1700 and 1800.
3. Two weekend ago, my boyfriend and I started watching an old anime called "Guru Guru". We used to watch it on TV when we were children and we thought to watch it again.
4. Last Saturday I started mu voluntary work in the library I worked untill last March. I really loved come back to the library and work again there.
5. Finally, on Sunday evening, my boyfriend and I went walking longside the bank of the creek near my home, looking for cassia's flowers. My boyfriend's mother asked me if I saw them near my home and I saied that there was a lot of them there. So, she asked me to pick some of them up because she wanted bake friedcake with cassia's flowers.
2. The second thing that have made me happy this month was the starting of my Pathfinder's campaign, a fantasy Role Playing Game. It's title is "Witches' Hunter" and it talks about the witches' hunt that happened between years 1700 and 1800.
3. Two weekend ago, my boyfriend and I started watching an old anime called "Guru Guru". We used to watch it on TV when we were children and we thought to watch it again.
4. Last Saturday I started mu voluntary work in the library I worked untill last March. I really loved come back to the library and work again there.
5. Finally, on Sunday evening, my boyfriend and I went walking longside the bank of the creek near my home, looking for cassia's flowers. My boyfriend's mother asked me if I saw them near my home and I saied that there was a lot of them there. So, she asked me to pick some of them up because she wanted bake friedcake with cassia's flowers.
Hope didn't bore you.
Have a nice week!
Emmy Iyuko
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