Saturday, March 31, 2018

Just a minute in...March

March ended yet? Really? Wow! It flew away like its days.
I started my new job more than one month ago and I still cannot believe I don't work in the weekends. My evenings are all "free"...I mean, I don't work, but I'm busy the same. On Monday and Wednesday I give private lessons and on Tuesday, Thrusday and Friday I meet friends for playing. On Saturday and Sunday I meet my boyfriend or I stay at home relaxin. It's all so stable, I'm happy. I always have been looking for this stability, since when I finished school. And finally I found it.
READING: Some blog posts.
WATCHING: I started to watch the new series of "Overlord".
LISTENING: I'm listening to the radio.
BUYING: I bought two books for violin.
LOVING: I'm loving my new job, this is sure. And I love drawing mandals to. I found an app for my smartphone that lets me color mandalas and it inspired me to draw them. They are really relaxing.
WANTING: I want to study and I'm looking for it.
FEELING: I'm so happy! I found a job that let me study when and what I want. I have only to decide what to study. I'm really happy.

How was your March? Let me know in the comments.

Happy Easter Eve!

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