Thursday, August 9, 2018

Book Review: Ti odio con tutto il cuore

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Welcome back, readers!

During these days I read a book I bought two or three years ago, but I have never had the occasion to start it. The title is "Ti odio con tutto il cuore" (I hate you with all my heart) and it is written by an Italian young woman.

The story talks about a woman that hate a man, who is a famous chef and that he used to be his best friend when they were younger. For all the first half of the book, she really hates him, but then she starts to change and finally she forgive him.

I liked the book in general. It has beautiful descriptions of New York and Miami. I love it more because of it talks a lot about the Italian food and the Italian passion for food. The love story is nice. It's full of pull-and-spring between the two protagonists. Even if it isn't the kind of stories I usually like, I appreciated it.

Have you ever had the occasion of reading it? Someone would leave some comment about the book?

Have a nice week.

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